House of Joy Hospital

The House of Joy Hospital began from a vision to provide quality medical care to people who cannot afford to receive treatment at an established clinic. Last year, our facility was upgraded to “hospital” status, and we are thrilled to meet more needs in our community.

Okoa believes that all people - no matter their socioeconomic status - should have access to a lab, a trained medical professional, a full pharmacy, and necessary surgical intervention.

Founded in loving memory of Cailyn Nelson, the House of Joy Hospital has received generous donations from the Stafford Family and is proudly supported by various medical professionals who are a part of the Okoa Refuge family. The House of Joy Hospital opened in July 2017. Since its opening, it has become a beacon of light and care in Kayirikiti Village.

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What Sets HOJ Apart?

Customer Care

The first step toward physical healing is caring for someone on a mental and spiritual level. Loving, caring nurses and a clinical officer who take time to listen are just a few of the ways that Okoa ensures every patient feels valued. HOJ staff begin each day in prayer together for the clinic as a whole and for each of the patients.

Surgical Suite

This year, HOJ opened and began operating its very own surgical suite! In our surgical suite, we are currently able to handle minor surgeries. This has been a revolutionary step for our ability to provide high quality medical care, and we are excited to add c-sections in the near future, completing our maternity program.

Comprehensive Lab

Proper diagnosis is imperative to proper treatment. This type of diagnosis would not be possible without operating laboratory equipment. Okoa refuses to treat patients without a real diagnosis. The investment into the lab equipment has ensured that the quality of care is above standard.

Stocked Pharmacy

Unfortunately, most clinics in our area do not carry fully stocked pharmacies. A patient might go to receive treatment but be sent elsewhere for the actual drugs. This leads to prolonged illness and noncompliance. Okoa maintains a fully stocked pharmacy in order to not only cater to the needs of the village, but also to ensure that the best care can be provided to patients.

Dental Suite

Quality dental care is one of the hardest things to find in Masaka. Most of the time, when you visit a dentist, he/she resorts to extracting teeth rather than filling them. Okoa's highly trained dentist and high-tech equipment allow the clinic to offer specialized dental care at affordable costs!

Malnourishment Ward

Hunger and malnourishment is a real problem in Uganda, and more often than not, the smallest among us are the most affected. At HOJ, we house a full malnourishment ward to combat the malnourishment epidemic amongst children in Uganda. Our ward is fully stocked with special refeeding equipment and supplies, and we have already seen great success in treating vulnerable patients.

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Our vision at HOJ is to provide quality and – affordable – medical care to everyone who walks through our doors. However, we cannot do this alone! As we build our patient volume and our reputation within the village and the greater Masaka, we need amazing people like you to stand with us! One day we believe we will not need this support, but, for now, it is so valuable! To give toward the clinic, please click below!

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