See God at Work across the world

Because of incredible and generous partners like YOU, Okoa Refuge continues to stabilize family units and transform communities. From stories of success to lives changed to justice served—we’ve seen God do amazing things over the last 15 years! These stories offer just a glimpse of the impact made in the lives of people and communities across East Africa. Thank you for partnering with us!

How Do All the Pieces of Okoa Work Together?

Okoa Refuge has several different ministries that we serve and provide in Uganda. Explore how these branches work together towards one goal.

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Community Outreach
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CCI’s Maternal Health Program: How We Provide for the Young Mothers of Uganda

Human Trafficking
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Modern-Day Slavery: The Sad Reality of Human Trafficking in Africa

Child Rescue
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Informal Education at Okoa’s Rescue Center

Gender-Based Violence
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What Is Gender-Based Violence?

Child Rescue
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Child Hunger in Africa: The Fight against the Threat to Future Generations

Our Mission
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Christian Charity Organizations Making an Impact in Africa

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Education in Uganda: Transforming Communities One School at a Time

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5 Components of a Thriving Church in Eastern Africa

Human Trafficking
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How Can I Join in the Fight against Human Trafficking?