This year, Sound of Freedom hit the theaters and brought to light a topic that’s hard to confront. Human trafficking is an unfortunate reality of our world and is often referred to as modern-day slavery. At any given time, over 27 million people are enslaved to human trafficking—including men, women, and children. Whether you saw Sound of Freedom and want to know how to join the anti-trafficking movement or you just want to learn how to combat this important issue, we will explain several ways in which you can join the fight.

Know the Signs

A group of children in africa standing close together and looking off camera

Unfortunately, human trafficking is more common than you may think—our own home base Florida ranks third highest in human trafficking in the US. However, human trafficking is something that can be hidden in plain sight. Knowing the signs of what trafficking can look like is an important defense for anti-trafficking. Some of the signs include:

  • Someone with the victim speaking for them and controlling the victim’s actions—this could be a partner, friend, parent, or other family member
  • If the victim is a child, they may not be attending school
  • Responds in what sounds like coached or practiced responses
  • Bruises or injuries at various degrees of healing
  • Unstable or bad living conditions
  • Timid or passive behavior
  • Unable to provide identification if asked
  • Lack of personal possessions
  • Some form of branding such as a tattoo, jewelry, or clothing that indicates ownership
  • Fearful of law enforcement

If you see these signs in either adults or children, make sure to alert the authorities when safe for the victim, and you can also call the National Human Trafficking Hotline to get the victim help.

Raise Awareness

The people in your life may not be aware of how big an issue human trafficking is. One of the best ways to combat human trafficking is for people to understand the issue, so they can join the anti-trafficking movement in their own communities. Human trafficking does not want to be seen. Putting a spotlight on it through awareness can help rescue and protect victims and expose the perpetrators. There are several ways you can help spread awareness:

  • Bring the issue to your Bible study or church
  • Call your representative’s office to ask how they’re combating human trafficking
  • Wear blue on January 11th for Human Trafficking Awareness Day for DHS’s Wear Blue Day initiative
  • Educate your friends and family about the signs of human trafficking

Group of people sitting on grass and plastic chairs outside next to an african church in Uganda

Become a Prayer Warrior

At Okoa, we believe in the power of prayer. Bringing important issues before God is a powerful step that anyone can take to help combat human trafficking. Whether you’re praying for the issue broadly or naming those who are on the frontlines of the fight, we encourage you to put human trafficking in your regular prayers. If you want to pray for Okoa specifically, pray for the continued success and support of our Gender-Based Violence Shelters and that we might be able to expand this service to help more victims and bring people to justice.

Fight Human Trafficking

Donate to the Cause

While money is not the only way you can support the fight against human trafficking, donating can make a huge impact on the lives of those affected and help fund organizations dedicated to gender-based violence prevention. Okoa is just one organization that has joined in on this fight. Through our Gender-Based Violence Shelters and our partnership with the Tim Tebow Foundation, Okoa fights for a world where no person is trapped in the clutches of human trafficking. If you are ready to partner with us in this fight, your donation will be used to free more men, women, and children out of modern-day slavery.

Become a Sentry against Human Trafficking with Okoa

When you choose to partner with Okoa—whether that be through prayer or financially—you join the ranks of people who are taking a stand against human trafficking. We work hard to help rescue Ugandan victims out of trafficking, provide for their physical and mental needs, and bring those who hurt them to justice. It only takes $6,000 a month to run an entire shelter for these victims. Whether you’re making a one-time gift, a recurring donation, or partnering with your Bible study or church to sponsor a shelter, your donation is changing lives. Become an Okoa Sentry today, and join in the fight against human trafficking.

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